mdq × DevOps & Cloud

DevOps automation

A best-practice example of how DevOps automation works with new AWS infrastructure and existing Kubernetes clusters.


Optimize onboarding with DevOps automation

MDQ wants to map customer onboarding in an isolated, secure and scalable way. Previously, a manual Kubernetes cluster was created in the DigitalOcean Cloud for each customer. DevOps automation should reduce this effort and free up resources.

With the new cloud infrastructure, we are laying a foundation that will allow MDQ to grow seamlessly and flexibly into the future. New customers can be onboarded efficiently in the shortest possible time. The new AWS infrastructure replaces the DigitalOcean Cloud, process automation replaces manual steps and reduces the potential for errors. 

Our services

External expertise for greater efficiency

MDQ came across us while researching experts in the DevOps field and brought us on board as DevOps consultants. Together, we uncovered the rough edges and hidden potential in the customer onboarding process. In personal consulting, we ensure that we can put MDQ's growth plans on the right track and support them with DevOps automation. To this end, we channelled our combined expertise into designing a future-proof, stable cloud infrastructure and process optimization.

5 Remote Meeting DevOps Consulting
David in a customer meeting for technical advice

Automate manual steps

Efficiency and automation go hand in hand. The manual creation of Kubernetes clusters in the DigitalOcean Cloud was a real time waster for MDQ and a potential source of errors. DevOps automation helps the team to automate the manual processes, freeing up blocked resources. Instead of investing a lot of energy in research, MDQ gains time for its core business thanks to the cooperation. 

Close security gaps

The manual process is prone to errors. Automation closes the security gaps through precise, standardized processes that ensure the security of the cloud infrastructure and customer data. The risk decreases, the data quality increases. In DevOps automation, we approached each step in the customer onboarding process individually in order to optimize and standardize it.

Utilize scaling potential

Due to the manual processes, it was too time-consuming to scale the infrastructure. However, effective scalability gives MDQ the necessary capacity, flexibility and clout to react quickly to increasing customer demand and continue to grow.



The impact of DevOps automation.

AWS infrastructure with full automation
Brief description 1: By switching to AWS infrastructure, mdq was able to automate the manual steps in the customer onboarding process. Potential errors and security issues were eliminated, and cloud infrastructure management became faster, easier and more efficient.
Scalable, resilient EKS Kubernetes cluster
Brief description 2: We implemented an EKS Kubernetes cluster that is scalable and resilient. It automatically adapts computing power to demand, which optimizes resource utilization and improves responsiveness during peak loads.
Scalable Postgres database
We set up a scalable Postgres database based on Aurora Serverless to provide flexibility and dynamically customizable performance. This ensures high availability and stable performance without manual intervention.
Web application firewall with DDoS protection
To secure the infrastructure, we introduced a web application firewall that protects mdq from DDoS attacks and other threats. We implemented specific restrictions to further increase the security of the applications.
Efficiently manage Kubernetes clusters
The »single cluster« approach for Kubernetes allows resources to be managed more efficiently. Customers are organized in different namespaces to share cluster resources and reduce operating costs.
Automated customer onboarding process
The onboarding of new customers has been fully automated. With a single entry in the system, all required cloud resources are provided for new customers. This speeds up the onboarding process considerably.

Technologies used

Pulumi Infrastructure as Code
Pulumi Infrastructure as Code
AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service
AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service
AWS Aurora Serverless
AWS Aurora Serverless
AWS Web Application Firewall
AWS Web Application Firewall

Tech Highlights

Pulumi IaC
The entire infrastructure is mapped in code using Pulumi and is therefore traceable, versioned and expandable.
AWS Cloud
AWS cloud infrastructure in three availability zones with isolated security networks.
AWS EKS Kubernetes
Scalable and highly available Kubernetes environment based on AWS EKS.
Aurora RDS Serverless
Database based on Aurora RDS Serverless enables load peaks to be covered by scaling within seconds.
Cloud Monitoring
Grafana Cloud Monitoring monitors cloud resources in detail and precisely.
Cluster Autoscaling
Automatic connection of Kubernetes resources through Cluster Autoscaler.
»By working with Fusonic, we were able to make our customer onboarding more efficient, more secure and faster. The complexity of the processes was significantly reduced and the workflows improved. We were able to benefit from David's industry experience throughout the entire consulting cycle.«
9 Portrait Alexander Nopper
Alexander Nopper
Managing Director @ MdQ
Let’s create something great together.

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